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Return to School Information 2021/22

Moville Community College

Important information and dates for Parents and Students

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As the school year comes to a close we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all your cooperation and support throughout the school year.

I have enclosed some important updates for the school year ahead.

The arrangements staff and student return to school are as follows:

  • Monday 23rd August: SNA’s return.

  • Friday 27th August: All teaching staff return on a full-time basis.

  • Monday 30th August: 1st Years return from 9 am to 1pm. Staff meetings all day.

  • Tuesday 31st August: 1st Years attend from 9am to 1pm. Staff meetings all day.

  • Wednesday 1st September: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Yrs. attend from 9 am to 1pm.

  • Thursday 2nd September: LCA & TY classes attend for induction. Normal timetabled classes for other years.

  • Friday 3rd September: Normal timetabled classes for all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th Year students.

  • Monday 6th September Normal classes for all students.

On their first day back students should come in full uniform and bring a pen & notebook. They will meet with their tutor and will be provided with their timetable, journal & locker key.

Online Payments:

The fee for book rental, locker, journal, insurance etc. should be paid online. This fee is €100 per student. A link for this payment will be sent to the parent's/guardian’s mobile number.

Change to school timetable:

We will move to mainly 58 minute classes for the new academic year. This means that students will change from 40 minute lessons to 58 minutes for most of their subjects with the exception of Friday where classes will be 56 minutes in length. The new timetable is shown below.

Class Timetable 2021/2022

Please note the following:

  1. Monday- Thursday school will start at 08.55am and finish at 15.30pm.

  2. Friday- school starts at 08.45am and finishes at 13.45pm.

  3. Hot food will be on offer as usual for students at lunchtimes and at the 20 min break on a Friday.

1st & 2nd Year Subject Options:

Students have already selected their subject options on the VSware App and have received all their preferred choices numbered 1-5. Any student who requested to change a subject will be accommodated as best as possible when we return to school in late August.

Calendar-School Year 2021/22

October 2021 mid-term break:

School will close from Monday 25th October 2021 to Friday 29th October

2021 inclusive. School will reopen on Monday 1st November 2021.

Christmas 2021:

School will close on Wednesday 22nd December 2021, which will be the final

day of the school term. School will reopen on Thursday 6th January 2022.

February 2022 mid-term break:

School will close from Monday 21st February 2022 to Friday 25th February 2022 inclusive unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures. School will reopen Monday 28th February 2022.

Easter 2022:

School will close from Monday 11th April 2022 to Friday 22nd April 2022 inclusive unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures.. School will reopen on Monday 25th April 2022.

End of School Year:

Friday 3rd June 2022.

*Please note that the full school calendar will be published in August*.

VSware Parent/Guardian App:

We use a school management system called VSware to monitor student attendance, behaviour records, assessment and reports etc. Parents/guardians have access to this information and should download the app and check it regularly for updates and correspondence from the school.

*Incoming first year parents/guardians will receive login details in late August via text*

If you already received login details from the school but haven't logged on please follow the steps below.

Getting set up:

Step 1: Search your App store for VSware and download/install. Once the app is on your device start typing Moville community College and it should come up automatically.

Login using the Username that was sent in the text message from the school and select “Create/Reset Password”

Step 2: Re-enter your username and the the last 4 digits of your phone number to validate both your username and phone number and receive your password which you can use or change.​

Step 3: Your password must have the following:

  • 8 and 16 characters

  • Capitals letters

  • Numbers

  • Any ‘wild characters’ – !@$^&()?/

New Password Reset (if needed)

All users can now reset their own passwords without having to go through the school admin staff.

To reset your password:

  • This brings you to the 'Reset Password' screen

  • Type in your username

  • Type the last 4 digits of your phone number

  • Click 'Validate'

  • You will then receive a text message containing the verification code. This SMS might take a minute or two to be sent.

  • Enter the code, type your new password into the 'New password' and 'Confirm password' fields. Make sure that your password follows the criteria listed

  • Click 'Change password'

  • You will see a message confirming that your password has been successfully updated. Once you see this click ' Go To Login'

  • This brings you back to the main Login screen. Type your username, your new password and click 'Sign In'

Change to Uniform policy:

Please note the changes that have occurred to our uniform policy. All changes will commence from the start of the next academic year. The full uniform policy is available on the school website in a previous post and a short summary is outlined below.

The uniform is:

  • A bottle green jumper with a crest affixed.

  • Plain black trousers or a knee length black skirt. No denims/leathers and no leggings except on PE days.

  • Shirt - sage green or plain white.

  • School tie.

  • School coat with crest or a plain all black Jacket with no logos.

  • Black shoes with a black sole. No visible logos or markings.

  • Black socks/tights.

Physical Education.

The PE uniform is as follows:

  • School half-zip with crest. (Available from Kelly’s and Borderland).

  • Black tracksuit bottoms or all black leggings.

  • Black runners.

*The full PE uniform should be worn to school on the day you have PE timetabled- the normal school uniform must be worn on non-PE days.


Wishing you all the best for the summer months.

Yours Sincerely,

Caroline Doherty.

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The information contained in these web pages is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate at the time of publication and is solely for information purposes only. Co. Donegal ETB accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of use or reliance on this information.

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