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Letter from Principal, Mr Doogan

Moville Community College

To students and parents of Moville Community College:

A chairde,

Can I ask all of you to remember in your thoughts and prayers those who are suffering or bereaved in our community at this time? Unfortunately, many school supports that would be available in normal circumstances are not available to them at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Yesterday the Minister of Education and Skills, Joe McHugh T.D. announced that schools will remain closed until April 19th. While our building is closed teaching and learning has simply moved online. All staff were asked to set up connections using Google platforms for all their students on March 12th. Most were already using the Google Classroom facility and all students are expected to engage with their teachers, submitting work, having it assessed and continue their learning. It has been a sudden change in how we learn and teach for students and staff. The process appears to be working well for most. We will become more sophisticated in its use as the weeks pass. Information on joining a class is available elsewhere in this section of the website.

It is crucial that students preparing for Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate examinations in late April, May and June should continue to do so.

Key administrative functions of the school continue by school management and the health and safety of the premises is being maintained by caretaking and cleaning staff.

The school is open for teachers and SNAs to prepare work for their classes if absolutely necessary.

All books should have been brought home on March 12th.

In relation to Covid 19 please take the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and the NPHET team advising the government. Documents and posters are posted in the news section of our website also.

Students please:

  • Stay safe

  • Minimize your contacts. The less people we meet, the less the virus will spread.

  • Stay 2m apart from non-household members.

  • Do not meet others indoors.

  • Wash your hand regularly.

  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it in a toilet or bin.

  • If no tissues are available cough or sneeze into your elbow.

  • Remember the vulnerable.

  • Be considerate of those with:

  1. Respiratory conditions

  2. Suppressed immune systems

  3. The elderly.

Is mise, le meas,

Anthony Doogan Principal

Moville Community College.

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