Dear student
I write today as we enter the final number of weeks of the 2020/21 school year which has been a second one of disruption to your education. I know that school closures and remote emergency teaching have been really difficult for you and your families but these measures had to be introduced in order to keep everyone safe from the spread of Covid 19.
I am immensely proud of how well you have coped since March 2020. You have adapted to a new way of learning and you have stuck to the rules so very well for so long. I also know that you have been missing your pastimes, sports, hobbies and chances to meet friends and family.
The situation in Ireland is improving all the time as vaccines are rolled out, but there remains a requirement to stick with the restrictions and to follow the basic messages coming from our Government and the Health Service Executive (HSE). Frequent handwashing, social distancing, mask wearing and avoiding crowds indoors remain vitally important as we move towards the summer and better times.
Unfortunately, the situation in Donegal is not improving as quickly as we would like and today I am appealing to you to help us to turn around the situation in the county. The one and only thing that can reduce case numbers of Covid 19 is our behaviour. Our behaviour can and will turn this situation around and allow the county to reopen with the rest of the country in the coming weeks.
Please think really carefully about your decisions in relation to the restrictions over the next number of weeks and do your very best to make the right decisions for yourself, your family, your community and your county.
I wish you and your families well for the remainder of the school year and for those of you who will be leaving us this year, my very best wishes for the future.
We are so proud of our great county and of the way in which we have responded to Covid 19 so now let us once more show that pride in Donegal and continue to do our bit so that we can enjoy the summer of 2021 which we all truly deserve.
Anne McHugh
Chief Executive
Oifigí Riaracháin: Administrative Offices: t. +353(0)74 91 61600 Anne McHugh @DonegalETB
Ard Uí Dhomhnaill Ard O’Donnell info@donegaletb.ie Chief Executive @DonegalETB
Leitir Ceanainn Letterkennyeolas@donegaletb.ieAnne NicAodha Donegal ETB Co. Dhún na nGall Co. Donegalwww.donegaletb.iePríomhfheidhmeannach Donegal ETB