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3 letters: To all MCC students, to 3rd Yrs and to 6th Yrs.

Moville Community College

Dear students,

I hope you and your family are healthy at this time. These days are very challenging for all of us. The way that we have to live our lives seem to change every couple of days. Last night (Friday 27th March) we were asked to restrict our movements even more.

Since midterm we have been asked to wash our hands very often and especially when we come back into our house. We have been asked to improve our coughing and sneezing etiquette – using a tissue and binning it, or if a tissue isn’t available into our elbow and laundering your clothes as soon as possible after it. Later we were asked to stay 2 metres away from people we met outside our house so as not to catch their droplets or they ours. Around the same time, we were asked to minimize the number of people we met and not to go into their houses or they ours. Many of our social activities were stopped. I know this is very difficult for everybody.

Since last night we now must stay at home with our families and not travel more than 2Km from our home. There are a number of exceptions such as shopping for essential supplies. You can find more about this on government websites.

The reason we are being asked to do this is to slow the spread of Covid 19. If you keep the advice of the Chief Medical Officer the chances of anyone in your house getting the virus is reduced significantly. It means that our hospitals can cope with the number of people who have severe symptoms of the virus. It means that more Intensive Care Unit beds will be available to help the very sick get better. If not enough people cooperate then people will die that could have recovered. Everybody is at risk of becoming severely ill, young and old. Healthy teenagers have died from Covid 19. The people most at risk are people with heart or lung illnesses, people that are or have been on medications that suppress their immune system and the elderly. YOU know people is these groups. Help them survive. Take the medical advice that the government are putting in place.

We are a school community. There have been big changes here too. Your learning and the way teachers teach has changed overnight. You all should be getting school work through Google Classroom. You should do the assignments to the best of your ability and submit them. Teachers should give you feedback and you make the necessary corrections. Some teachers are more comfortable with technology and are giving live classes on Google Meet. These may be recorded so you can use them for revision as well. We are all learning. If you have difficulties, you should tell your tutor by email or a staff member you feel most comfortable to tell. Guidance counsellors are also available, if required.

You have been asked to learn differently without any preparation. How you face these challenges will help you face others later in your life. Not everything we learn is school is about preparing for exams.


Dear 3rd years,

The Department of Education are still working towards having Junior Cycle examinations in June. You should continue to prepare for examinations in all of your subjects. If the government have to make alterations to how you are assessed, what you are learning will be necessary. Everything that you learn will be necessary building blocks for your Leaving Certificate. Keep studying steadily until June. Examinations are like preparing for a marathon, not a sprint. Steady preparation makes more gains that a mad dash at the finish.


Dear 6th Years,

There will be a Leaving Certificate. You have most of the work done. Take the feedback your teachers gave you after the mock examinations. Apply it. Keep to your study plan. Stick to a routine. The current crisis helps you stay in. Take advantage of it. Ask questions regularly of your teachers. Revise, revise, revise. Limit your time on social media to specific times of the day. Keep it short. 6th year is a stressful time. Others in your house will be stressed for you and for other reasons. Mind your mental health and help others mind theirs. Get some exercise. A 4Km walk or run, starting and finishing at your home, on your own will help you study and help to relax. Do it daily and at the same time each day.

There will be a Leaving Certificate. You will be assessed on your suitability for a college place. At present it is planned to take place in June. Some parts have been cancelled. Some that are due to be held in April and May may be postponed. There may be different arrangements put in place. You do not have control over these decisions. Focus on what you can control. Maximise your progress.

I wish you all every success in your examinations. But more importantly I wish that you are successful in your life. I hope that whatever challenges that life may throw at you, your time in Moville Community College will help you to overcome them. Keep safe, stay healthy, keep your loved ones safe and let’s get through the next few months as a united school community working with and for each other.

Guidance counsellors email addresses are or

Is mise, le meas,

Anthony Doogan


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