Positivity reigns at Moville Community College.
Positivity reigns at Moville Community College. This week students from Moville Community College were busy organising a wonderfully successful Positive Mental Health week from the 10th -15th of October. This was largely organised by the Cycle Against Suicide Group along with support from staff and the Health promoting Schools Group.
The week began with Bill Vaughan from Mental Health Ireland giving a talk to the Transition year students. Students then joined up with staff and volunteers from Serenity House in Moville to celebrate mental health awareness day by doing a walk of the beautiful Shore Path. This was also to celebrate Serenity House being twenty five years in operation. We would like to wish the house continued success with the fantastic work that they do.
There was a range of in class activities from writing positive comments, a worry box, meditation, making gratitude bunting and continuing with the lifelines project that was started last year by the Health Promoting schools group. This project is where staff and students are asked to write about a time they were stressed or anxious about something and how they coped with it. It is done anonymously and the stories shared on a poster. The intention is that students will learn how to deal with stress by looking at the tips other people give.
There were a range of lunch time activities available for students during the week. There was free tea given out to improve student’s moods. The meditation room was available for all students during lunchtime to allow students some quiet time to relax. Second years were involved in a basketball tournament where the skills of team work was emphasised. There was also a photo booth for students and random acts of kindness among the staff.
The Cycle Against Suicide students shared some of their thoughts and a quote each morning for senior and junior assembly. The week was a huge success for everyone involved. Special thanks must go to the Cycle Against Suicide group who were fantastic organisers and helpers throughout the week. Particular thanks go to our student leaders Niamh Mc Elhinney, Clodagh Mc Laughlin, Cathal Doherty and Ciara Brennan.
Mental Health week is one of the gears in the Ambassador Schools Programme for Cycle Against Suicide. Moville Community College was one of nineteen schools across Ireland to have won three Ambassador Awards to date. Staff and students are working towards their fourth award this year and it is clear that health and wellbeing is high on the list of priorities for the college.
Colleen Gallagher