January was a very successful and productive month for Transition Year and the school in general. TY’s main event of January was the fundraiser carwash/ coffee morning in aid of purchasing a defibrillator for our school. The event brought the whole community together in what was a fun day for everyone, there was tea and coffee for the adults and a play area for all the kids. We smashed our target raising €1690 which was more than we ever had expected and will pay for the schools defibrillator. We could not have reached our target if it wasn’t for the generosity of the Moville community and surrounding areas, we would like to thanks the Parents association for helping get the word out there and a big thank you to all local business’ who donated. It also wouldn’t have been possible without the attendance of all our Transition Year students and the teachers that put in a huge effort on a cold Saturday morning.
The Transition Years had the lucky chance to meet with Richard Alcorn who works for Donegal Centre of Independent living, the talk was very informative and interesting and all the students seemed very enthused. This was a topic many students knew very little about and this was a great opportunity for them to learn. We would like to give a big thank you to Richard Alcorn for coming in and giving us the presentation.
On January 27th Ms Ni Chnamhsi brought five students up to St Columbs College in Derry to take part in a cross border History Project, this was the first session and it went very successful. The students got to learn a lot about the history of their country mainly based around the 1916 Rising. The students all were very interested and enjoyed their day and all are looking forward to their next outing.
As many of you will know MCC has had a great connection with the Cycle against Suicide Organisation over the past few years and on the 14th of January Ms Gallagher and 49 students headed off to Dublin. It was a fun day for all who went and they also got to listen to a concert while there.
January was also a very successful month on the sporting front:
January 12th The Senior Boys Gaelic team came out victorious after a well fought game from both sides. Also on January 12th the Senior Girls Soccer team beat Scoil Mhuire with a 6-0 victory.
January 21st our u16 Boys team travelled to Carn to play against Colaiste Ailigh, Moville once again came out victorious and with all the Moville supporters out to watch it, it was a great spectacle for the whole school. This was a historic month for the school as it was the first team the Senior Boys and U16s Gaelic teams both won County Finals.