Dear Parents and Guardians,

As you may know the Junior Cycle Examination Results will be available in schools this Wednesday 23rd November. Results will be handed out to our students at the beginning of period 4. They will then have some time to celebrate with their friends, call home and speak to their teachers. All students will return to normal classes after lunch.
To celebrate, the college will bring all of last year's third years to Brunswick cinema on Friday 25th November. The cost of this trip will be fully covered by the school.
Buses will leave at the beginning of period 1 and will return by the end of the school day. The film "Black Panther" will be shown and a popcorn/drink will be included. Students can bring some money if they wish to use the games as some time will be available for this. Full PE uniform is allowed on the day.
We wish all our students the very best of luck with their exam results.
Yours Sincerely,
Caroline Doherty.