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Message from Parents Association RE: Silver Circle Draw

Moville Community College

Dear Parents/Guardians, We have had a good number of cards returned and payments made already, so thank you to all families who have already returned theirs. However some questions have been passed on to the parents association, which are very relevant and we will begin to answer them here. 1. What are we being asked to pay for now? The reason this silver circle draw has been introduced is to replace the monthly draw originally run by the school to raise much needed funds. It was discussed, and decided by parents at the previous meetings, to form a fundraising sub committee. The first project this committee have organised is the silver circle draw. 2. We didn't get a card/ we got two! Each family should have, by now, received one card. If you have not received a card please contact the school also if your family have received two cards this has been a mistake, each family was only to receive one card. More can be requested if needed. 3. Do we have to buy all four lines? On this card are four lines, each line costs €15.00 and entitles the person named on that line entry into eight draws (one draw per week for eight weeks, less than €2 per week). Each week the prizes will be €100 , €50 , €30 and €20. All we ask is that each family buy for themselves (or sell to friends/relations/neighbours/work colleagues), at least one line. We would of course be delighted if each family could sell all four lines (some may find it easy to sell more than that), as it would be the students who are the sole beneficiaries of any money raised, No one is under any pressure to buy more than they can afford or feel they have to pester others to buy from them either. We apologise for these mistakes and we will extend the deadline for return of cards and payments until Tuesday 1st of December. Unfortunately, if uptake of this draw isn't sufficient to cover the prizes for the eight weeks we will have no choice but to cancel it. We appreciate all feedback good and bad and we will make every effort not to have these teething problems happen again. Thank you all for your support and understanding.

If any one has any further questions to ask, or comments they would like to make please feel free to contact the parents association on (083) 468 6867, at

This issue will be added to the agenda for the parents meeting on Monday 23rd @ 7:30pm in the upper building MCC, all welcome. Yours sincerely, Moville Community College Parents Association.

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